Steel Entry Doors vs Fiberglass Doors

Choosing the Perfect Entrance Door for Your Home

Its been said that the entrance door is the center or heart of the exterior of your home. It is the place that everyone is looking for when they arrive. It is the passageway from the outside world to the safety of the inside of your home. It serves many purposes. Security, beauty, and a guard against the elements are just a few of its jobs. Choosing a door that your are going to place as the center of your home is a big decision. Exterior door units can come in many different styles and types. Two of the most common types are steel and fiberglass.

Steel doors

Steel doors are a good option for an entrance door. These durable and customizable doors are energy efficient and durable. They have a smooth texture and are paintable. The surfaces are all prepped and pre-primed in preparation for the finish coat to be applied on site. It is also possible to purchase them pre-finished. With many colors to choose from, your steel entrance door can come completed to your specifications. With over 75 styles and 35 glass options, we are sure to find a style that matches your specifications.

Fiberglass Doors

Fiberglass is also a great option for an entrance door. These modern and efficient doors are often used in place of a wood door. Fiberglass doors are available in a smooth or a wood grain finish. When stained, the wood grain finish is often mistaken for a wood door. With fiberglass you get the look and feel of a wood door but all the advantages of fiberglass. Fiberglass is made of glass. So theres no chance of rot or decay. It is easy to maintain these low maintenance doors. Often only needing to be gently cleaned to maintain their beauty. These modern doors are available in countless styles with many different glass options.

Creating an entrance door that is inviting, beautiful, secure and energy efficient is more possible now than any other time. Here at Window Nation, we sell and install Therma Tru doors. Both steel and fiberglass Therma Tru, entry doors are available with a state of the art weather seal system called the Tru-Defense® Door System. This system utilizes a specialized door jamb material and weatherstripping design to give you one of the highest performing and weather resistant entrance door on the market. These doors have unsurpassed performance and style options. Whether you choose a steel or fiberglass Therma Tru entrance door for your home, you will be getting one of the best doors available.

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