By: Dave BrongJanuary 20, 2017

The Dangers of Lead in Your Home

The presence of lead in any home can be a terrible problem for homeowners. Lead can be present in the paint, dust, or even the air in a lot of older homes, mostly built before 1978 when it was outlawed as a paint material. The presence of lead can be detrimental to homes with children in it. Small children have the tendency to pick up things like paint chips from an old window sill and put them in their mouths. Peeling paint will also create dust that can be found throughout the home getting on hands which can then lead to fingers being put in the mouth. Whichever way the lead enters your child’s mouth, it leaves children susceptible to lead poisoning. Even if there are no symptoms of lead poisoning, it is important to remember that children absorb lead into their blood stream more readily than adults, so even a small amount can cause a child brain damage later. Even pregnant mothers can be susceptible to complications from breathing in the dust caused by chipped lead paint. For these reasons, the presence of lead in the home can destroy the value of your home and lead to long-term complications for your children.

Safety Guidelines for Remodeling in Older Homes

When getting ready to remodel, especially with an older home, it is essential to have a contractor who tests for lead. If a home is built before 1978, the safest thing to do is to assume that there is lead present. Contractors need to follow safety guidelines recommended by the EPA. All work areas should be contained with the use of plastic in doorways and open window frames to keep the dust down in the rest of the home. Clean up of these areas should be continuous throughout the project with paint chips or dust particles being wiped thoroughly with damp rags. Before completion, the contractor needs to monitor the area to make sure that all the lead paint has been removed safely from the home.

Window Nation's Commitment to Safety

Window Nation employs these safe practices when installing new windows in an older home. We understand the dangers and will do everything that we can to ensure the safety of the homeowners and their families as well. As a certified employer of renovation experts skilled in lead inspection and removal we can assure homeowners that our company will be following EPA recommended guidelines for homes with lead present. New windows can not only improve the look and feel of your home, they can also keep your family safe when they are installed by reputable companies like Window Nation. Give us a call or stop by one of our many showrooms for more information about renovating your home and the risks of lead poisoning.