Offer good while supplies last. Minimum purchases apply. Payment in full required. Offer valid at initial consultation only. Rules subject to change. Taxes, port charges and process fees not included. Must provide own transportation to and from departure ports or resort.
Eligible parties include active duty members, reserves and veterans/retirees within 2 years of separation or retirement of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, National Guard, Space Force or Coast Guard. Proof of eligibility required copy of Leave and Earnings Statement, Delayed Entry/Enlistment (DEP) form, or Veteran/Retiree (DD-214) form and copy of current driver's license. Certain restrictions may apply.
Receive an additional 5% off your entire project. Eligible parties must be 55 years of age or older. Proof of eligibility include a state-issued photo ID for proof of age at the time of appointment. Certain restrictions may apply.