To our valued customers,
Our team members are in hundreds of homes daily educating consumers on our windows, doors, roofing, and siding products, as well as performing measures, installations and service and warranty work. During these unprecedented times, we remain committed to the health and safety of all our customers, team members, vendors, and communities. While we always maintain caution and care, during critical public health concerns, such as with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we have heightened our protocols and procedures in order to maintain a safe environment including the following procedures:
Enhanced Cleaning and Sanitation Protocols
Team members will wear face masks and clean/disinfect their hands using hand sanitizer or hand washing prior to entering and exiting any customer’s home. Additionally, they will wear gloves and booties, when possible, in the customer’s home. All demonstration and install product surfaces, equipment, and tools will be cleaned at the beginning and at the completion of projects. Additionally, vehicles and trailers are cleaned and disinfected daily with vehicle exteriors being cleaned weekly.
Practice Social Distancing
Team members will attempt to maintain a social distance of six feet with customers and each other and have been instructed to avoid any direct contact including handshakes, hugging, high fives, fist bumps, etc. Additionally, guidance is to avoid gatherings in any common areas or large groups.
Personal Hygiene Preparedness:
In addition to the handwashing and disinfecting procedures, team members will be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE), as appropriate. This may include face masks, booties, gloves, face shields, etc. Our team members will also have PPE available if a customer should need one during our appointment.
Keeping Team Members Healthy and Informed
Window Nation closely monitors the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control, updating our policies and procedures, as necessary, and communicating with our team members. All team members have been informed on identifying the potential signs and symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are encouraged to stay home if they exhibit any of them. If an employee were to demonstrate potential symptoms in the workplace, he/she will be sent home to self-isolate and seek medical attention, if necessary. Team members are not permitted to return to work until the following CDC guidelines have been met:
- At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,
- At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
Window Nation is committed to keeping our customers, team members, and community safe. So, when you contact Window Nation, or if a member of our team is in your home, please share any health concerns you may have. Additionally, if you or anyone you have been in close contact with have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been placed on quarantine for possible contact with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, please let us know immediately. We want to ensure the highest level of customer service while keeping everyone safe.
What is Window Nation doing to keep customers and team members safe during in-home visits?
When you schedule a sales demonstration, measure, installation, warranty service with Window Nation, you will be asked to respond to the following questionnaire via telephone:
- Have you, or anyone you have been in close contact with been diagnosed with COVID-19, or been placed on quarantine for possible contact with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
- Is there any other reason that we should not enter your home?
- Does anyone in your home have a fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, or flu-like symptoms?
If you respond ‘yes’ to any question, our representatives will work with you to determine the safest approach to perform the sales demonstration or schedule your service or measure. For the safety of our team members and communities, we may ask to schedule for a later date or for sales demonstrations, request the appointment be performed virtually.
Prior to coming to your home, our employee will call ahead and ask the same questions, ensuring that nothing has changed since you scheduled the visit.
While in your home, team members will attempt to maintain a social distance of six feet with customers and each other and have been instructed to avoid any direct contact including handshakes, hugging, high fives, fist bumps, etc. They will also be equipped with personal protective equipment, as appropriate. This may include face masks, booties, gloves, face shields, etc.
If I have an install, sales demonstration, measure, or service appointment scheduled, how do I know if you are still coming?
We will always contact you prior to your scheduled appointment if anything were to change. Unless you have heard from us, you are still on the schedule and we will be coming to you for the appointment.
Do you offer a no-contact sales presentation?
Yes, Window Nation still offers virtual sales demonstrations in conjunction with a 3D design tool to provide you with the best options for your home. We also offer no-contact in-home appointments to fit your needs. To schedule a sales demonstration, please call 877-659-4491.
I already have a scheduled sales demonstration, measure, installation, or warranty service appointment. Can I reschedule for a later date?
To reschedule a sales demonstration, please call 877.659.4491
To reschedule a measure, installation or warranty service, please call 866.217.9582
If you have a customer service question, please email [email protected]
How is Window Nation keeping team members safe in the prevention and spread of COVID-19?
In the vast majority of our markets, Window Nation is categorized as essential services and has successfully and safely provided services to our customers through the implementation of new protocols and increased safety and cleanliness measures.
At the start of the pandemic, Window Nation prioritized safety through the acquisition and distribution of PPE to all of our team members; the utilization video sales demonstrations; creating a questionnaire prior to any in-home visit protecting our team members and customers; encouraging sick employees to stay home; observing social distancing for essential employees; restricting access to all offices; and implementing flexible schedule and work-from-home policies. Window Nation has also designated a COVID Compliance Officer at each of our locations to ensure that all safety measures are observed, and PPE needs are met.
All of our team members continue to keep safety as the top priority. Prior to any in-home appointment, we will ask you a few questions around health-related concerns to ensure our safety, and our employees are required to complete a self-questionnaire daily prior to the beginning of each workday.
In the home, our team members are equipped with additional PPE including face masks, booties, gloves, etc. and are trained on proper handwashing and disinfecting protocol. All install product surfaces, equipment, and tools will be cleaned at the beginning and at the completion of projects. Additionally, vehicles and trailers are cleaned and disinfected daily with vehicle exteriors being cleaned weekly.
If you have concerns about one of our team members or would like more information about our COVID-19 response, please contact [email protected] where your inquiry will be expedited to our dedicated COVID response team.
Where can I find more information about COVID-19?
Please visit the following websites:
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO)


Increase ventilation by opening windows!
According to the World Health Organization, poorly ventilated buildings can increase the risk of disease transmission.
And the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that workplaces, schools, households, and restaurants “increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning” to decrease the spread of coronavirus.