Why Choose Locally-Made Replacement Windows?

There’s a reason why houses tend to look a certain way in different parts of the country. Picture an old house built with locally quarried stone, or the wisdom of an adobe home in the desert. The use of local materials are what give communities their distinctive local character.   If you’re any kind of history buff, you know that building traditions take years to develop.  Those historical traditions have a built-in practicality under the initial layer of beauty. Local homebuilding traditions take into account the climate and the lifestyles of the community.   They give us our sense of place.  That combo of aesthetic beauty and practicality has not passed— even in our mass market, interconnected society.  Although the world is at your fingertips, it’s worth thinking locally.  Let’s take a dive into the why. 

Lower your lead times

It can be terribly frustrating to finally find that perfect item for your home, only to be told there’s a six-month backorder. It’ll take a few phone calls and emails to learn that it’s sitting on a boat somewhere, or there are problems with the factory in a country far away.  When it comes to building materials, even little delays can cause a domino effect. Products need to be installed in a certain order, and when you have to wait on one step, you have to wait on every step.  That costs money. When you choose locally made products, your order doesn’t have to travel far.  The journey to your home will leave a lighter footprint on our planet. Someone is paying for all those miles your product travels— both economically and ecologically.  

You won’t have to play phone tag

The further away from home you go, the more your wishes and dreams may dilute. It’s like a giant game of phone tag. Buying products from far away, you're left hoping that your wants and needs are enough like everyone else’s. It’s the only way to get those mass market folks interested.  Local manufacturers are there to listen to the nuances. They’ve got a finer level of control over the product they make, and they’re often governed by standards of quality that are higher than in far-flung places.   When a local manufacturer gives you a great product, word gets around. Reputation is the name of the game for local businesses. You know they’ll work hard to ensure you’re pleased. 

Keep your dollars in your community 

There’s a hidden double blessing to purchasing locally made products. They not only make your home look good, but they make your community look good. Local businesses are the ones that sponsor your kid’s softball team. They’re the ones donating their products to the raffle down at the community center.  Dollars spent locally tend to stay local.  When you buy from a national big box store, your dollars are like a drop of water in an ocean too large to contemplate. While you may have a lovely conversation with the minimum wage worker who helped you, chances are you’ll never meet the person who really benefited. 

Because locally-produced means regionally-specific

One of the biggest selling points to any window replacement job is the energy efficiency they bring. Window energy efficiency is all about matching the windows to your climate. You want someone who deeply understands the community where you live. They’ll let you know the real deal when it comes to your region’s weather.  Who is going to understand the difference between double-pane and triple-pane windows better than the company that had to shovel out after that last snowstorm? And who knows better about UV-blocking glass than the company that also survives your sweltering summers The folks who help you choose these windows won’t let you pick a style they wouldn’t choose for themselves. 

It’s a local call. 

Window Nation has a proven track record of listening and supporting our clients’ visions for window replacement. We’ll help you brainstorm and plan the process.  We send out the most trained, expert installers out there. Every step of this project you’ll see just how smart it was to choose this locally owned company.

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